Monday, April 12, 2010

Here a farm, there a farm, here a friend, there a friend.......

Now we're back on the rainy side of the mountains, learning about sustainable poultry operations. While the climate is less than ideal, the people and education are great.
A very important lesson we've been learning over the last 8 months is the importance of community. There's something very special about this Northwest food community. This year's "Farmer Fisher Chef's Collaborative" keynote speaker was Poppy Tooker from New Orleans. In her speech, she brought us to tears saying, "When disaster strikes, or things get tough, your food friends will be there to help you." This has certainly been true for us.
Thank you to all of our food friends who have been there to help us and educate us and advise us along this rocky road we've chosen!
We hope that soon we will find the stable place we've been looking for and be able to help others find their way.